Saturday, 31 March 2012

New stuf

Since I grew up in a country where shooting wild animals and hanging their head over the mantle place isn't  part of the culture, I never tried it in any of my scenes.That is up till now….
In this scene I used a paper folded one from Etsy .com.
And….there is no mantle…..
But I just got this wonderful credenza from Patie-minisx2  , also bought  through Etsy, and many more goodies. These straw woven chairs for example.
I think I never made an arrangement with this German  vintage chair I got from Oese!
Well here you have it all.


  1. Neomi!!
    This is a wonderful scene!! I love the credenza and all the chairs, the artwork...everything is so cool!

  2. Neomig,

    I'm so happy t see you with a new room box! The credenza is beyond fabulous but the entire room looks great. Glad you back in business, so to speak. *smile*

  3. Wow Neomi! I love this room. The chairs are great and so are the rest of the details.

  4. Amazing! Love this! Solche Stühle habe ich noch nie gesehen, sie sind mindestens genauso toll wie die Kommode. Was für Schmuckstücke!
    Und du hast alles so toll arrangiert, auch der Kopf an der Wand ist cool. Ich bin sehr begeistert.

  5. Hi! It looks wonderful! Love the colors. CM
