
Saturday, 10 September 2011

Israely dolls 1940-1980 exhibition in Tel Aviv

Recently I visited the Tel Aviv Haaretz museum. I went there especially to see this exhibition. It had a personal note as well. My mother's cousin Ruth Taubers dolls were also on show.
most were done for turists and presented the population living in Israel at the time.
most of them were done by artists. Edith Samuel  a German born artist and one of my favorites , reminds me of the German Kaete Kruse dolls.

 Ruth Tauber loved the Yemenite charachters and young Israeli kibutzniks

 All dolls were about 15-20 cm  max.

These are 10 cm .

Aren't they gorgeus?

I also saw this very interesting annual glass show hels at the museum, there instead of minis I've seen some overblown maxis- loved those too:


  1. Neomi thanks for showing. I'll do my best and go visit the museaum. Great exhibition.

  2. Thanks for showing through these photos, your visit to the museum!

  3. Die Puppen sehen ganz toll aus. Mal etwas ganz anderes. Schön, dass du sie uns zeigst.
    Dein Kinderfoto als Profilfoto ist auch ganz toll. Aber das alte Profilfoto, das gezeichnete, fand ich immer ganz einzigartig, ein richtiges Kunstwerk. Schade, es nicht mehr zu sehen.
    Ich schick dein Paket morgen nachmittag ab.
    Liebe Grüße

  4. Drora, you MUST go! Neo, thanks for sharing. I really love all the dolls. They are right up my alley. I love dolls that depict life in a village. My heart went out to the one with the old man and the young boy with a book. So amazing! Are these dolls for sale?

  5. Cool exhibition, I love the glass items.

    I received your cards yesterday. Thank you so much, they're fabulous

  6. What an grat exhibition! The faces of the dolls are incredible and the forms so realistic. Thanks! CM
