
Wednesday, 10 August 2011

lovely day

It was a lovely day- I got to meet blogist Drora Hed of hppt// www.Drora's is so kind, generous and so talented . Almost all of her work is DIY!
I'll report later of my visit- meanwhile look what I got:
two beautiful weeker chairs ,a summer set of a straw hat and bag and if this was not enough- a Psalm book so tiny....and its cover has become another bag- a" Chanel " see through this time.
Thank you and Toda Raba for a wonderful morning.


  1. Que bien es recibir regalos tan bonitos, tienes razón Drora es una artista y muy generosa.
    Un abrazo

  2. Lovely gifts! I have one of Drora's little straw bags too. Love love love it!

  3. Oooh, you met Drora? :) Must be wonderful :)

    Those are lovely gifts. That plastic see-through purse is what I will buy for myself in real life :)

  4. Dear Sans
    Drora is a great lady she has an artful house!
    the see-throgh bag is actually a Mini Psalm cover! Just added a change.....

  5. This is really nice, to have such good friends!
    It looks lovely, now the little dolls will not be thirsty in the Israeli heat of the summer.
