
Wednesday, 10 August 2011

lovely day

It was a lovely day- I got to meet blogist Drora Hed of hppt// www.Drora's is so kind, generous and so talented . Almost all of her work is DIY!
I'll report later of my visit- meanwhile look what I got:
two beautiful weeker chairs ,a summer set of a straw hat and bag and if this was not enough- a Psalm book so tiny....and its cover has become another bag- a" Chanel " see through this time.
Thank you and Toda Raba for a wonderful morning.

Monday, 8 August 2011

summer house - Michal's version

When Michal,my niece, has a long vacation, she finds the time to come for a long visit.
This is what she came up with ( I was the humble assistant).

Friday, 5 August 2011

Beach /Vacation house in progress

This is my new project so far. My friend and minibloger Oese chalenged me into building an A line house.
So this is my versionmade of cardboard and covere with different layers of papers.
It'll have a launch/Living space, a kitchen and a sleeping space on the second floor.
the roof is straw so one can see the stars. If the stairs will finally arrive from the UK in time
they wont have to climb a ladder....
Shower is out side in the garden......

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Does someone know?

Does any one of you miniblogers know where can I get this credenza/sideboard/Komode/buffet either than on Ebay Germany? I'm looking there all the time .....
It does not have to be the same size or drawer arrangement- just the same series!
Is any one is ready to swap or sell ?
I have a lovely Germany livingroom Hutch/Wohnzimmerschrank
I'm ready to swap any time.
( photo is Call of the small- thanks Chris)

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

August 35 degrees Celsius - 1

It's August , it's hot , it's humid- This is vacation here in Israel.
Some of you must have wondered if you'll ever get to see my swimming pool in action.
Well- it's ready and its here in three versions!
The oriental bamboo scene- no 1,
The Grown-up more sophisticated, version no2 - where metal chairs are playing the main design role .
And last but not least, no 3 - "Kids are at the pool" scene. Its playful and busy and shows new and ancient goodies.The bike comes from Tali who for month kept nurturing my mini treasures .
Here I show the first German garden furniture I ever bought and restored.
You might notice the collage background. I loved making this morning. I actually meant to use it differently, but as the photo shooting went on and on, I changed the scenery and so you get a peek of my mothed ancient garden wall.
Which one of the scenes do you like most?