
Saturday, 19 March 2011

Swimming pool consruction- the deck is almost done!

After a long rest  in the mini world due to school work, I 'm back!
I've almost finished the deck for my swimming pool, it took a lot of thinking and trying...
I was looking for the right material and the most suitable tools.
I choose bamboo skewers 1 cm wide for the decking .
I got this cutter on Ebay which was a huge disappointment.
It isn't strong enough even  for this bamboo( let alone wood) and not sharp enough.I wouldn't recommend it !!!!!!!

The local stores saved this project .

The tool below cuts through as if through butter.....

This is what the deck looks before trimming and getting the right shading.


  1. Neomi, the swimming pool scene is going to be fabulous. Can't wait to see it finished.

  2. I hope it will be fast now....

  3. wow this is going to be so cool! can't wait to see it finished!

  4. I thought it would be easier if I answered your question here. All my food is 1:12, and recently I started making duplicates for 1:6 and 1:3. Thanks for asking!

  5. Dies Werkzeug hat mir auch gefallen - vielleicht erwischt mich nochmals das Bastelfieber und ich kaufe es auch.
    Auf den fertigen Swimmingpool bin ich schon gespannt. Du machst bestimmt ein perfektes Urlaubsfeeling daraus.
    Bis später mal, liebe Grüße

  6. Looks good. What kind of furniture sre you going to have around it. Is it 1/12? Modern or wood? C

  7. Seguro que te quedara genial, estas haciendo un gran trabajo.
    besitos ascension

  8. Va a ser un gran trabajo¡¡¡ por que es un proyecto genial, muchas felicidades, un beso.

  9. The angle really looks cool, great work. Can't wait to see the finished deck and pool.

  10. The pool construction looks great.

    Your new tool (tin snips) are used for cutting metal sheet so they're a great item to have in your tool box.

    Are you going to fill the pool? With water or set it with resin?

    Looking forward to seeing the finished project =0)
