
Saturday, 30 October 2010

London Re-visited

I spent a wonderful 5 days in London. After not being here 10 years the place certainly improved. I had so many plans but time was too short…. I also expected to see more minis ‘ this didn’t work out because it was very difficult to find. I bought a few things I found at Paperchase, in Covent Garden market and this was more or less it.
Hamleys was so disappointing…..they only had Lundby Smaland and all the furniture and accessories seemed so shabby and are so costly… what do you find in it , people?
I visited some beautiful exhibitions: The Gauguin retrospective at the Tate Modern, the Art treasures from Budapest at the Royal Academy  and a wonderful show- Affordable art  in the middle of Battersea park here are some impressions:
 At my hotel-some hotel I can tell you.....
At Tha affordable art show- you can see  that shoes are one of my weaknesses.....

I loved this piece of art, it reminded me of my mini world.

 A Recycled Chandelier at Antropologie - Run to see interior design!


  1. This was a very interesting post. Thank you for the mini vacation and art tour! CM

  2. Oh I like the recycle-chandelier! And the shoes!

  3. Thanks for the mini-tour, Neomi. Love the quirky artworks!
