
Monday, 17 May 2010

My own Moma House

Since I dwell far away from where the Chronicle Books publishers can ship to, did the trick for me.
Not long ago, actually yesterday , there it was on my window sil ( ?) .
A smaller pakage than I had in mind- I was very curious and immediately unpacked and started to play.

I like the colors a lot and the silicon stickers. I can see my self sticking them in my doll house, so I would also use some of the boxes and cards.

Its a lot of fun, with some minor short comings:
Its a bit on the small side .
And then -
While repacking I did not want to take apart the furniture. So what do you do? you have to take appart at least 80% of the already assembled pieces if you want to pack again neat.

Lets not forget - this is just cardboard, you cannot reasemble for ever.
While assembling, one of the armchairs got a bit delicate - so no more taking appart.
Did some of the deveopers think of the possibility?
the price at Amazon including shipping to Israel was 25$ - Not bad !


  1. Man sieht, dass du schön gespielt hast. Besonders die letzten beiden Fotos sind sehr kreativ. Ich freue mich schon, wenn du deine neuen Möbel damit zeigst!

  2. נעמי, זה מדהים!!! אחרי התערוכה כשאתאושש מהעייפות אתעמק יותר גם בפוסטים הישנים יותר- בנתיים זה פשוט נראה מרתק ומדהים, איזה עבודה- את כנראה קוקו כמוני... י
