
Thursday, 27 May 2010

I got some more minatures . This time at the annual ceramic fair in Raanana. Its held once a year where one gets a chance to see the best artists in the field . 
this is what I got which will put my ebay  transactions on hold for a while........
Mark Yudell is an incredible sculpture whose work I adore for years- I can unfortunately, only afford his minis

Thursday, 20 May 2010

On suite- White Night

Serene and Green is this bedroom arrangement in my Lekman box.

Goods: rugs : Peppercorn minis, toilet- ebay, sink :Elf miniature, bathtub- local find .
Books are from Oese.

Monday, 17 May 2010

My own Moma House

Since I dwell far away from where the Chronicle Books publishers can ship to, did the trick for me.
Not long ago, actually yesterday , there it was on my window sil ( ?) .
A smaller pakage than I had in mind- I was very curious and immediately unpacked and started to play.

I like the colors a lot and the silicon stickers. I can see my self sticking them in my doll house, so I would also use some of the boxes and cards.

Its a lot of fun, with some minor short comings:
Its a bit on the small side .
And then -
While repacking I did not want to take apart the furniture. So what do you do? you have to take appart at least 80% of the already assembled pieces if you want to pack again neat.

Lets not forget - this is just cardboard, you cannot reasemble for ever.
While assembling, one of the armchairs got a bit delicate - so no more taking appart.
Did some of the deveopers think of the possibility?
the price at Amazon including shipping to Israel was 25$ - Not bad !

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

The fun of trying out new stuff

The fun of being new here is the experiment. In arranging , statging and taking photos ofcourse!
Playing with lights.
I liked the trancelucent Ikea Lekman box , my new lucite sofa from E bay, cool plant in an Ikea candle holder. From the thrift shop comes the china sideboard/mantle with mirror, metal table from Bodum , accesories are from oese "Raum für Raum".
the lovely Chandelier is a  necklace from

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Help needed!!

I always considered myself to be a technical person, but this post additing is killing me. I keep reloading photos and then I cannot see or rather open the drafts( is this where all the photos have gone to?) and so I have to reload. Thats why I have already given up. My last post is a good example of the mess I create: The two bottom photos should actually be my first.
Well, how do I do that _ why wont the photos just move by dragging I wonder.
Does one of you have a tip?

Monday, 3 May 2010

Winning the Lottery

This is what it looks  when you win the lottery, eleven o'clock at night. When I came back tonight, a parcel was awaiting me full of surprises- every serviette and tissue paper held another surprise and they all came from Oese of Raum für Raum!
What a lovely ending for this day.Thank you so much! .