
Friday, 31 January 2014

It meant to be so many thigs. But in the end....

The trigger to this scene was the fire place. I had it ages . I planned and planned and nothing came of it untill now. Than, on one of my morning walks I found the floor and loved it. Architects sample just thrown out....
 So here I was , intending to form some some chalet scene. But it soon occured that any outer view would ruin the fireplace effect. And so I ended up with a somewhat seventy's feel, quirky ( the ear plug frame being the art) and very colorful.
I love my Patie Johnson " x2 minis "  love seat and leather chair.
The love seat was the main push to this color pallet.
well is it elegant? quirky?vintage? cosy?  you tell me!



  1. It looks cosy!! I love the natural materials, it oozes clean air and healthy living!

  2. I think it looks more modern with the clean lines and a big splash of color. the head phone boxes look like modern art. I love it!

  3. I'm going to say Modern Chalet. I think the bold colours mixed with the natural wood, leather and bark make a great mix =0)

  4. Oh wow, der leather-chair ist sowas von großartig. Ich will auch einen! Schön, mal wieder was von dir zu sehen.

  5. Thanks so much for your comments ladies !
    I loved the earphone box as art pieces and ambiance setters. I think of improving the photography. I'm desperately looking for som lessons about all the possibilities of my magic box. Any Ideas???

  6. I think it's a groovy 70's pad

  7. Hi, It looks very cool! Love your idea of putting the round theme colored beads on the wall! Super!

  8. Love the fireplace, very groovy with a retro modern twist. :D

  9. Oh, you are too clever with your cool ideas for art...the earplugs and the containers with neat! Such a nice contrast in the colors, too.

  10. Very Cool! Love the turquoise and orange together. I agree with Pepper and I'd also call it Modern Chalet, but I'll funk it up a bit and call it "Mod-Cha Funk". LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the bark! Great room, and it's also nice to see you back!

  11. I'm so glad to be back , always! It just takes me much more time then it takes others- or so it seems. I do a lot of planning...... and than it changes twenty times.
    Thanks dear friends.

  12. What a great modern scene, Neomi! I love what you've made as modern art :D! It IS quirky, but fantastic and like you said very colorful. I also like your gorgeous furniture.
    I have seen your comments on other blogs, but I was never able to trace your blog, now I did :D!
    Kind regards, Ilona

  13. Love Minisx2, man. And I dig on this scene. I've been trying to work a fireplace design like what you have here. I just can't seem to make it work, but you have cleverly pulled it off. Love the art, design and want to steal that natural wood (birch?or? Hmm) accent shelf.

  14. Thanks For all the feedback! Love your design!

  15. I'm glad you liked the fire place - I had it for ages just waiting for the right moment and mood!

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