
Saturday, 22 December 2012

End of the world, End of the year

After decorated for the big world ( you can see more at
here is my contribution to the mini world . May you all-
All religions have a Happy New Year!

I know that you haven't seen a lot of me lately - I'll try to make up a bit here. 
Eclectic , is a style I like in my personal space as well.
Here I used wonderful pieces by Patie Johnson and Carol of  Mitchimoominiature . Thank you so much dear friends. I enjoy your creations daily.
The photo above shoes my contribution to this scene: the bedside lamps made out of brass tiny goblets Samira gave me and the latest trend in jewlery. 
The bed head is a napkins holder I took apart, the base is in front of the bed as a bench.
I'd love to hear what you think!
......About the End of the World - I'm still here and so are you - I wish you all the best!

Not so sure about the art work.....

....... welll,I decided for Wilhelm Bush  and a bit of asymmetry in this room.

Rocking  chair and ceiling light fixture are by Carol of
Vanity, hanging cabinet and orange file unit is by Patie Jonson of
cushions are by Hunky Dory  of , rugs are by Glenda Howel.
The rest is by me and various others.

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Automn winds

Its colder at last. Which means a lovely duvet at night and slippers of course!
I'm proud to introduce my new hand made slippers by me.
These are felted slippers and the workshop to make them was great fun....

Friday, 21 September 2012

Mini Version

Found recently this sweet book in my local shop. At first I didn't notice . It was just a nice kids book. Looking closer revealed that this was really a jem!
This "The Princes and the Pea" is a mini version. All set and taken by Lauren Child and Polly Borland.
The scenes are so real yet obviously miniatures. The figures are paper dolls full of character. These are actually beautiful collages! Here are just a few examples:

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Patie Johnson's summer

Patie Johnson's mini creations are my favourites lately. I love the quality and feel. I learn so much from her about architecture and design.
last year I built this open roof summer house - it is summer again, and a very very hot one.
A good time to use the house again. this time I kept the decore natural and earthy.
The end tables were a gift made especially for me by a colleague.The blue vase is Amnon Israeli's.
wall decor are ice cream sticks and buttons.
Look up patie's shop on .

Sunday, 22 July 2012

5th grade shoebox house

They said that this was absolutely their favorite work through out this school year.
No wonder- I put my heart into it.
I'm proud to present a glimpse- you can see the rest on my other blog :, which I title : Neo- creating.

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Last days of spring

Its usually the poppies which are the last to bloom before its getting realy hot....
The pomegranates bloom and the oranges call out to be picked at last.

Friday, 4 May 2012

Gili in the Mini World

 Gili is my niece, she is 21, and this is her first performance in the mini world. She wanted to make "a bedroom for a young lady"
We both loved the result.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

My home, my country- Israel is 64 !

This is not the podium to preach , but every year when this date comes, I'm getting sentimental and patriotic and sad and furious at the same time.
Still alone in the region, still alone and more and more isolated in the world we do still stand.   Thanks  God I was born in the second half of the twentieth century, thank god I was born here ih Haifa. Not in America nor  in Afganistan. This place here  is good enough.
It is good enough for its people, Jewish or non Jewish. Very few of our neighbors in the Bedouin villages of Bosmat Tivon, Zwidat and Chilf ( all those are the local Bedouin tribes) think otherwise.
We all just have to look around at the "Arab Spring " swiping Egypt, Libya and Syria
 to make us so upset.
We wonder what do those "Peace forces people " from Danmark, Sweden, France and England think?
We are not the new Nazis! See how Arabs treat their fellow citizens all around us!
Compare a bit .....
I'm going to celebrate .
Happy 64th aniversary Israell!

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Three Ladies

.......I'm in love with this tint Russian couple. They were found on etsy and go together so well with the art work of the three ladies and their shopping bags!

I got lately so many exciting minis , I just had to display them , at once….
It has taken me sometime  to get the photos right thoug.
Oese sent me those lovely sideboards I wanted for such a long time. I fixed one of them adding a missing handle ( a black rubber board was just handy)
Patie from:  minisx2  ( sent this awesome coffee tablewhich was naturally added.
Some other tiny wonders produced by  Dave Williams of Harvington Miniatures on the side board proudly displayed.

 The latest is the fruit bowl  on the coffee table - a wonderful lampwork glass bead done by  a local artist I discover on and fell in love with her work.

The Persian rug on the floor is a Design Magazine contribution ( Binyan Vediyur).

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Please follow me, Mr. Goldbaum will see you now…

Can you imagine having to wait for an interview or a meeting with the boss in a room such as this?
It all started when I decided  that my old Ikea seating group needed a make over- and so I painted it white. No more Orange and blue and bright green. It needs to get  an adult look.
This grew into what I thought was a clean, interior designer, very impersonal  look.
But once I start, I easily get carried away, adding this and that, ending up in a black , white and grey festival.
Looking at the photos, it suddenly doesn't seem sooooo impersonal...
Talking of festivals, I think I was very productive these past two weeks. I realy justified the free time I was given. This is my third post!
Its  wonderful out side . all is green and in bloom. Every one is out there travelling. And so my hometown almost seemed deserted.
No cars, no people( they are probably shopping or having a huge picnick ,any way - it's  very quiet.
Getting ready for next week , when life gets hectic as usual once more…..

Furniture is Ikea( ebay), on the shelves I used a variety of my jewlery , mostly rings. thrift shop beads, Etsy ships.
Venetian white glass bottles my brother once gave me, plexiglass boards-local, Cactus plants are by a local miniaturist here in Tivon. I love his stuff!  Floor is a placemat by Golf .porcelain napkin rings serve as plexiglass shelve holders.
Pouf,and upholstery- by me.
 Beakers and water bottles are ebay.