
Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Three Ladies

.......I'm in love with this tint Russian couple. They were found on etsy and go together so well with the art work of the three ladies and their shopping bags!

I got lately so many exciting minis , I just had to display them , at once….
It has taken me sometime  to get the photos right thoug.
Oese sent me those lovely sideboards I wanted for such a long time. I fixed one of them adding a missing handle ( a black rubber board was just handy)
Patie from:  minisx2  ( sent this awesome coffee tablewhich was naturally added.
Some other tiny wonders produced by  Dave Williams of Harvington Miniatures on the side board proudly displayed.

 The latest is the fruit bowl  on the coffee table - a wonderful lampwork glass bead done by  a local artist I discover on and fell in love with her work.

The Persian rug on the floor is a Design Magazine contribution ( Binyan Vediyur).


  1. Neomi, I love this room! A lovely display of furniture and ornaments.

  2. wow schon wieder so ein tolles post! super. ich krieg richtig lust, mir auch wieder was zu kaufen. wenn ich eine vollzeit-stelle kriege, mache ich das bestimmt auch wieder. die kombination hier ist echt genau mein geschmack, der teppich unter diesem tisch und der schwarze sessel. einzig den grünen sessel mag ich hier nicht, aber die kunst an der wand und .... ach ich komm aus dem schwärmen gar nicht raus. ich grüße dich!

  3. Thanks Drora !
    Liebe Petra
    Du machts mir so viel Freude! Von dir solche Komplimente zu kriegen ist so scön!
    Der grüne Stuhl und die unordnung auf dem side board war die erste version.....Ich dachte auch das es nicht so gut aus sieht.
    Alles Lieber

  4. Ha! The three ladies look so typical of the shoppers where I live. Love the scene Neomi.

  5. Ha!
    this art work is actually English . I picked it up last year in an "Affordable Art " show in London.

  6. What a wonderful room! The art work , the Russian couple (adore adore adore) and precious gifts fro your friend make this a truly special room.

  7. Thank you for your kind compliment on my blog. I love the painting of the ladies with the shoppingbags, it looks great in the modern interior.
    Miniature greetings
