
Saturday, 21 April 2012

My home, my country- Israel is 64 !

This is not the podium to preach , but every year when this date comes, I'm getting sentimental and patriotic and sad and furious at the same time.
Still alone in the region, still alone and more and more isolated in the world we do still stand.   Thanks  God I was born in the second half of the twentieth century, thank god I was born here ih Haifa. Not in America nor  in Afganistan. This place here  is good enough.
It is good enough for its people, Jewish or non Jewish. Very few of our neighbors in the Bedouin villages of Bosmat Tivon, Zwidat and Chilf ( all those are the local Bedouin tribes) think otherwise.
We all just have to look around at the "Arab Spring " swiping Egypt, Libya and Syria
 to make us so upset.
We wonder what do those "Peace forces people " from Danmark, Sweden, France and England think?
We are not the new Nazis! See how Arabs treat their fellow citizens all around us!
Compare a bit .....
I'm going to celebrate .
Happy 64th aniversary Israell!


  1. Feliz aniversario a Israel!
    Un abrazo

  2. Congratulations on 64 years! I enjoy following your blog very much! I'm celebrating 1 year of blogging with 8 miniature giveaways. Giveaway #7 is some modern-style minis. You must join each of the 8 giveaways separately. Welcome! :-) Jennifer

  3. Hi Neomi! Thanks for joining one of my giveaways! Blogger isn't working right, because you still aren't showing as a follower of my blog. Please come back when you have a chance and follow my blog with Google Friend Connect on my blog's sidebar--thanks! Good luck in the draw! :-) Jennifer

  4. Carol, Thank you so much!

  5. Congrats Neomi! 64 years to celebrate, you should be proud.
