
Thursday, 28 July 2011

Not about Minis.... but its great stuf!

Today its about an arist ,a teacher and a freind- Liat Binyamini Ariel. She is an Illustrator and a Papier Mache' arist. I was lucky enough to be her student for the past three years ( hopefully many more to come) I learn so much from her in so many fields, its a true pleasure.
Here is a peek to her art :

A puppet theater made out of a 6 bottle Coke container!
A life size bench one can sit on!

Saturday, 2 July 2011

My birthday presents

How wonderful can it be- I got lovely presents which I could combine!
The dark red- wine couch I won from Pepper of,with turquise green pillows to match and this lovely table cloth matching colors to the couch!
I promise to reproduce a couch according to your tutorial and of course show the results!( for which I should be really brave)
A huge thank you pepper!