
Sunday, 23 January 2011

Swimming pool

Some of you would not believe this will happen in 2011- well, well well.....
here are the first steps toward it. the swimming pool is done as you can see, now I play around the deck's idea.
I found these barbecue skewers which would fit perfectly ....
I have a dilemma : shall I put the deck straight or diagonal. What do you think?

Saturday, 22 January 2011

We love cupcakes

" I love cupcakes, especially the pink ones....... I wish someone will get me a few for my birthday." My niece declared quite close to her 20th birthday.
So her aunt got busy making a few, eternally sweet out of papiermache.
I enjoyed  so much making them, and she loved getting her present.
What you see ,when enlarged, is more or less life size.

The green "Tutu skirt  " and the" Mini cake on a cupcake" are my favorites!

The pink one and the tall one both decorated with cherries are my nieces choise-
Justly so ,after all - she wanted PINK....